Entering 2024 I have decided to go out with the old and in with the new. As the cliché suggests I'm binning something off in favour of something new, and what might that be?
It's an au revoir to New Year resolutions and bonjour to the glorious manifestation!
This revelation came about as I was asked the same old question "What is your New Year's resolution?" and I couldn't help but admit that I don't have any and won't be making any either. Year after year I have written a list of resolutions; "work out more", "be more positive", "go abroad" etc., and year after year I never stick to them. Resolutions seem so strict and constrained to me, what exactly does "work out more" entail? Does this mean I'm working out 3 times a week now? Or, is it simply that I'll work out more than last year? No matter the answer by the time December comes back around I realise there are more crosses than ticks on the list.
I still have dreams and goals that I want to make a reality in 2024, but instead of putting pressure on myself to achieve everything on my resolution list, I will be manifesting instead. Manifesting is my way of saying "yes" to my dreams and goals, whether that's in the form of writing down what my future self is grateful for, or saying a mantra every morning, I have this feeling that what I give out to the universe will come back to me.
For instance, this year I want to move on from my job as a Sales Assistant. It's a role I've had for too long and I'm ready for the next opportunity. Instead of writing "Get a new job" on my 2024 resolutions list, I will be writing "I am grateful I work at The BBC/ S4C/ ITV" and creating a vision board as to what that looks like. Don't get me wrong I know it sounds slightly mad and incredibly ambitious, but if I don't believe in myself then who will?
Who knows if manifestation will provide me with everything I long for but I know for a fact that it will build my self-belief, confidence, and motivation without the pressure of having to tick something off.
Manifesting sounds a lot more stress free than the stereotypical resolutions which was one of my resolutions this year! Maybe should manifest it instead! Love the posts can't wait for your next one 🥳